Sunday School
We believe God intended life to be lived in community. While our worship services are great for worship and hearing the Word of God, Sunday School is where we all can learn how to live for Jesus on a more personal level. That is why we have Sunday school classes for all ages and Sunday School Teacher's with a passion for teaching God's word. It’s where we build close relationships, bear one another’s burdens, and wrestle with our fears, doubts and what it means to follow Jesus in our daily lives.

Children’s Ministry
Jesus said "Let the little children come to me." One of the New Life Apostolic's primary goals is to lead children to Jesus. Children’s Church is a fun and includes games, a bible lesson, and a snack. It’s for kids 3 years old through 5th grade and is during Bible study on Wednesday night after worship.

Youth Ministry
We believe our youth are not just the church of tomorrow but the church of today! Our youth group is for middle school and high school students and meets every other Friday in the sanctuary or in the fellowship hall. We have many activities throughout the year such as, camp meetings, youth rallies, and outings in our general area. For more information about other activities, see the calendar.

New Life Apostolic supports missionaries in a few other countries. The bible teaches us to spread the gospel unto all of the world, so we financially support a few missionaries to various parts of the world. We have missionaries visit the church from time to time to express the effect of the work being completed overseas. We are always seeking ways to spread the gospel all over the world and will continue to work towards that goal.